Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Take Action Bible

The Take Action Bible published by Thomas Nelson is exactly what it says it is on the back cover. There are no surprises with this Bible. The "15 real-life stories" dispersed throughout the Bible are wonderful stories of missionaries throughout the world. They are encouraging and admirable. Each story has a photo of the people you are reading about which personalizes it even more.

After each story, there is a page with two questions, some scripture references, and room to journal. These questions and scriptures are to help you discover areas where you can take action in your community and learn what God says about helping other and sharing God's word.

The version is New King James. This is one of two of my favorite versions. It is easy to read and understand and stays close to the original translations of the scripture.

The print is very small. The back of the Bible calls it "ultraslim Bible text." This Bible isn't for those with sight issues. It is also red-letter which means Jesus' words are in read. When combined with the small text, the red is harder to read than the black. And I like red-letter editions but eventually it becomes too difficult to read and red-letters should be left black.

This Bible is a great Bible for sharing in church. For those congregations who like to give away Bibles or have Bibles available for those who do not have one or forgot theirs, this is a great Bible for that purpose. It is also great for new believers or anyone who has a heart for missions and wants to be inspired daily by the stories within the pages of the Bible.

I give this Bible 4-stars, but do not recommend it as a daily study Bible simply because of the text size.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Max on Life by Max Lucado

Max on Life by Max Lucado. Thomas Nelson Publishers: 2010

Lucado answers 172 questions from individuals who have written him over the years. The topics range from salvation to family matter to finances and end times. His answers are thorough but no more than one page each. Each answer is packed with scripture and could easily be a sermon starter for any pastor. The questions aren’t just for new believers. I’ve been in church my whole life and he answers several questions that came up in discussion between myself and another person recently. Neither of us had the answers to these questions, but here they are in Lucado’s book.

There are times I wish I could sit down with a knowledgeable pastor and pick his brain. This book is just that. If you ever wished to sit and just ask questions from someone who could also pin point the scriptures, then this book is for you. It is an easy read in a conversational tone. Once you start reading this book, it is hard to put it down. It’s like leaving really good conversation.

I give this book 5-stars and hope that Lucado will write a sequel in a few years because I am sure there are many more questions out there waiting to be asked of Max Lucado.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Story of the Bible by Larry Stone

The Story of the Bible is no disappointment. Walking through the pages of this book is like walking through the biggest Biblical museum ever without ever taking your feet off the sofa. The text read as professional as any museum placard but is far more indepth. The photographs throughout the book are taken from historical Bibles and are exquisite. Nestled between the pages, tucked in vellum sleeves are "23 removable life-size reproductions for the world's most important Bibles." I literally got chills when I pulled out the first reproduction. It was an amazing feeling to be able to examine something so special at such a close range.

The reproductions are actual size and written in the original language. On the back of the reproduction is the translation and an explanation of the text.

The story of the Bible starts with the beginnings of the Hebrew people and their language, giving the reader an indepth understanding of the development and purpose of the language. It progresses through the centuries leaving out nothing. Stone examines the development and importance of each version of the Bible as well as the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. He explains the impact the various versions of the Bible had on society and religion as a whole. He ends with the impact of the Bible's translation into a country's native language and the incredible importance of putting the Bible in the hands of others to spread the gospel.

The book itself is huge! It measures 9 1/2" by 12" and is 1" wide. This is not a book to curl up with at night. Should one fall asleep, one would wake with a concussion. The text is normal size and considering there are 90 illustrations, this book needs every inch of that space.

This book is not a disappointment to the reader. The reader leaves with a wealth of information and a profound sense of appreciation for the greatest book ever written.

I give this book 5 stars and would give it more if it was allowed. This book is great for any Christian or Bible scholar who wants a deeper understanding of the Bible and how it came to be. I would also recommend this as a great gift for a seminary graduate, pastor, or minister.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Regret Free Parenting

Regret Free Parenting
Author: Catherine Hickem, LCSW
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2011

While the title indicates this book is for both parents, it is actually written to moms by a mom about being a mother. While many of the ideas could be applied to being a dad, it is really about being a mom.

For those parents who are fond of attachment parenting, this book is for you. I found this book to be very validating and encouraging. Being one who prescribes to the theory that the more time with my child the better, I have been condemned on more than one occasion for my involvement with my child. Hickem encourages involvement and even has a chapter on how to be involved and not controlling. She points out many, many times that being involved with your children is not controlling their every move but knowing them inside and out so you can encourage them and empower them to be strong, Christian adults.

She talks about the importance of living in the moment for our children and not being distracted by cell phones and computers when we are spending time with them. She explains the importance of giving them our time and attention even when we think they don't need it.

All this flies in the face of previous theories that attributed spoiled, misbehaving children on the fact that parents spent TOO MUCH time with their children. She argues that it is just the opposite.

At the end of the book, Hickem lays out a plan to help the unattached parent to regain the relationship they are desiring with their children. The plan is simple and encouraging. In fact, all throughout the book, she is encouraging and never judgmental. And never does she say there is such a thing as a perfect parent. She just says we should live each day "intentionally." My version of the word....Live in the moment!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Unto The Hills: A Daily Devotional by Billy Graham

Unto the Hills contains 365 devotionals, all written by Billy Graham. First printed in 1986, the devotionals are as relevant as they were almost 25 years ago. Each devotional speaks with as much power as if Graham was speaking right to the reader about today's world.

The devotionals cover prayer, family, Christ, serving Christ, and many, many other topics that are viable to any Christian no matter where their walk may be. Whether they are a new Christian or a grounded, mature Christian the devotions will make you stop and think and ponder your own life and your own choices.

I love the fact that Graham closes each devotion with a prayer. The prayers are short yet to the point.

I can see this book laying on the night stands of many, many homes for many, many generations. This book has already proven to be as timeless today as it was 25 years ago.

I highly recommend this book for a person to buy for themselves, a new Christian, a family member or for any occasion. I give it 5-stars. This book will be on my night stand and used as a devotional for many years to come.