Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Unto The Hills: A Daily Devotional by Billy Graham

Unto the Hills contains 365 devotionals, all written by Billy Graham. First printed in 1986, the devotionals are as relevant as they were almost 25 years ago. Each devotional speaks with as much power as if Graham was speaking right to the reader about today's world.

The devotionals cover prayer, family, Christ, serving Christ, and many, many other topics that are viable to any Christian no matter where their walk may be. Whether they are a new Christian or a grounded, mature Christian the devotions will make you stop and think and ponder your own life and your own choices.

I love the fact that Graham closes each devotion with a prayer. The prayers are short yet to the point.

I can see this book laying on the night stands of many, many homes for many, many generations. This book has already proven to be as timeless today as it was 25 years ago.

I highly recommend this book for a person to buy for themselves, a new Christian, a family member or for any occasion. I give it 5-stars. This book will be on my night stand and used as a devotional for many years to come.